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Second International Yoga Day

Second International Yoga Day celebration co-organized by Consulate General of India and Brahma Kumaris in Guangzhou, China on 21st June 2016

Wonderful Drama! This year the Consulate General of India in Guangzhou asked the Brahma Kumaris to be the co-organizers with the Indian Embassy to celebrate the Second International Day of Yoga. It was a 4 hours program in which about 400 souls took the benefit.

Other Hatha yoga teachers from Yoga Sutra College were also invited and they had a presentation of one hour, but this time Brahma Kumaris were given two hours to explain the new perspective of Yoga, i​.​e​.​ Rajyoga. So we got a very good chance to present Baba’s knowledge and its uniqueness through videos, silent meditations and conducting guided meditations and some moving meditation.