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The First ‘International Day of Yoga’
Trinidad and Tobago
21st June, 2015

Yoga is an invaluable gift of India’s ancient tradition. It embodies unity of mind and body, thought and action, restraint and fulfillment, harmony between human and nature, a holistic approach to health and well-being. It is not only about exercise but also to discover the sense of oneness with the self, the world and the nature. It carries the spiritual aspect of controlling one’s mind and self-development with direct control of the inner energy. Today, Yoga has evolved as an alternative system of medicine through the control of the different elements of human nature, physical and psychical.

In the modern age with the change in the life style, more and more people are learning and doing it regularly as it is not costly and has no side effects.

The 193 member United Nations General Assembly (UNGA), on December 11, 2014, approved by unanimity a resolution establishing June 21st as ‘International Day of Yoga’. The declaration came following a call for the adoption of 21st June as ‘International Day of Yoga’ (IDY) by the Indian Prime Minister, Hon’ble Narendra Modi ji during his address to UN General Assembly on September 27th, 2014.

In suggesting June 21st, which is the summer Solstice, as the ‘International Day of Yoga’, Hon’ble Narendra Modi ji had said that the date is the longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere and has special significance in many parts of the world. From the perspective of Yoga, the summer solstice marks the transition to Dakshinayana which is considered a time when there is natural support for those pursuing spiritual practices.

This initiative found support from many global leaders. More than 175 countries including USA, Canada and Trinidad & Tobago co-sponsoring the resolution. It had the highest number of co-sponsors ever for any UNGA Resolution of such nature.

The High Commission of India, Port of Spain, Trinidad in collaboration with the United Nations Offices and the Government of Trinidad and Tobago had organized a week long yoga awareness program commencing on 15th June to commemorate the 1st ‘International Day of Yoga’. The large numbers of Yoga Organizations were participated in this event including BRAHMA KUMARIS RAJAYOGA CENTRE for the press release.

Also Sister Jasmine from Chaguanas represented Brahma Kumaris at Diwali Nagar program of IDY during these days from 15th to 21st June, 2015. The main event was on 21st June 2015 (Sunday) at the Daaga Auditorium, University of West Indies (UWI) at 9.00 am. This event was attended by hundreds of yoga enthusiasts and celebrated individuals. Brahma Kumaris (BK) also participated for speech and presentation of meditation yoga.

The program started with lighting the Deepaks. The representatives from UN, Indian High Commission (IHC), and the prominent personalities including Government Ministers were present to grace the occasion and share their views with the participants.
The Yoga masters talked about the benefits of YOGA and demonstrated a number of easy poses. Booths were also put up by several yoga centres to demonstrate health benefits of yoga.

Brahma Kumaris also had got the opportunity to demonstrate the practical meditation on the stage. Sister Hemlata gave the guided meditation commentary and few BK brothers and sisters practically demonstrated how to meditate. The atmosphere became the full of peace and silence which everyone in the audience also could experience very well by meditating together with all BKs present on the stage.

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The Consulate General of India in Guangzhou, China in association with Guangzhou People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, organized an event on the occasion of International Yoga Day on 21st June, 2015. The Consulate General Of India invited BK Sister Sapna to conduct and give experience of Rajyoga to the audience on this occassion . The Consulate had invited 7 more yoga teachers ( Kundalini yoga, Pranayama, Spinal & Fitness Yoga, Yin Yoga etc.) to conduct various kinds of yoga on this special day. The program was organized in an indoor stadium where nearly 1000 souls were present during the event. All the staff members of Indian consulate were also present. The program was a huge success, even beyond the expectation of Consulate General here.

We ( volunteers from Brahma Kumaris) had also put up a special counter outside the hall to give assistance to public. So, it was a great opportunity in drama to introduce Rajyoga, as taught by Baba. Many people showed interest in learning more about Rajyoga and registered for the Rajyoga Course as we announced there after the program.

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This auspicious day was organized in Madrid by the Indian embassy and 12 Yoga Schools, including Brahma Kumaris.
In the morning, the inauguration took place with the ambassador of India, Mr Vikram Misri, and the newly elected mairess of the city, Manuela Carmena. 150 volunteers from the 12 schools were present to help all the participants.
Around 1500 people gathered in one of the main squares in Madrid, Plaza Colón, to practise a master class from a beautiful video prepared by the indian government.
In the afternoon, there was a more academic program. 3 pannels where experienced teachers and practionners were invited to share about the variety and diversity of Yoga: Yoga and Health- Yoga and Consciousness- Yoga and Spirituality.
Bro. Yogesh from Turkey was our speaker.
The preparation, a few months ahead, was an opportunity to have meetings at the Indian Embassy together with the ambassador, his team and the 12 schools. Over the time, a very good relation has been established and will probably give more fruits in the future.

St. Petersburg, Russia
21 June, 2015

“Today is a very proud moment for all of us who enjoy the benefits of yoga, because yoga has finally received its rightful place in the whole world,” said Mr. Arun Sharma, Consul General of India in St. Petersburg, opening the morning yoga session at St. Petersburg Brahma Kumaris Centre. “I am very happy to be here on the invitation of the Brahma Kumaris, and I can say that it is definitely the result of the power of yoga that all of us are here today, smiling and happy. Almost every country member of the United Nations, including Russia, supported Resolution on International Yoga Day. I am happy that people in the world have realized the value of yoga. I myself practise yoga every day, and I have a personal experience of its benefits.”

The morning outdoor yoga session was led by sis. Sujata Rathi, dietician and fitness advisor, and Dr. Shrimant Sahu, diabetologist and holistic healthcare expert, who have arrived in Russia on this occasion from the Global Hospital and Research Centre (Mount Abu, India).

A friendly race around Lighthouse was joined by people from the age of 8 to the age of 85! Easy and helpful physical exercises held in Peace Park charged everyone with energy. And collective chanting of “Om” created a beautiful and serene atmosphere of peace and harmony.

How do we integrate yoga in our daily life? How can we always stay young and beautiful, irrespective of our bodily age? At the evening session on 21 June sis. Sujata and Dr. Shrimant answered these and some other questions from the audience at the Diamond Hall of Lighthouse. The public event called “Embrace the Earth with Kindness” brought together BKs, friends of the Brahma Kumaris and newcomers.

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On the occasion of International Day of Yoga, Brahma Kumaris, Secunderabad  have organized a Mass Meditation Programme at Imperial Gardens on 21st June from 5.30pm to 7.30 pm.  Honourable Union Minister of Labour and Employment Bhandaru Dattatreya graced the occasion as Chief Guest and among other dignitaries who participated were: Sri Venugopala Chari, TRS Special Rep, Delhi, Sri Parthasarathi Reddy, Chairman Hetero Drugs, Sri S.Kondal Rao, Lamco Industries, BK Ramshlok Bhaiji, Mount Abu.

While appreciating the efforts of Brahma Kumaris, Chief Guest Sri Dattatreya   said that after participating in the Mass Meditation conducted by Brahma Kumaris , he went into a  state beyond peace and forgot about his physical existence.  He experienced thoroughly the Bliss of Meditation said the Honourable Minister.   He said that  by celebrating such events,  we are making our country great.  He added that it is not “Mera Bharat Mahaan” it is “Vishw me Bharat Mahaan”. Yoga is something beyond Religion and that is the reason why more than 170 countries have cosponsored the call of celebrating International Yoga Day.

 He also added that he was recently in Geneva to attend International Labour Ministers’ conference and most of them asked me about Yoga.  He is so happy to share that the entire world is looking at Bharat . He was also happy that Yoga being the part of Indian  Sanathan Dharma has been recognized by UNO to celebrate universally.  This is indeed a great victory in this direction.  Presently the world across is going through a sensitive phase due to a variety of illnesses and Yoga is the answer  said Sri Dattatreya. The present trend gives so much of an importance to the outer Beauty and he is happy to share that Yoga and Dhyaan Meditation helps in gaining the Inner Beauty.

While Sister BK Manju, Incharge, Maredpally Centre welcomed the participants,  Sister BK Radhika, Nagarjuna Management Centre conducted guided Meditation.  Around 30  BK Sisters guided the meditation, more than 2000 participated in the Mass Meditation to spread the vibrations of Power and Peace.

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21 जून, लखनऊ | रविवार को अंतर्राष्ट्रीय योग दिवस के मौके पर राजधानी लखनऊ में  के.डी. सिंह बाबू स्टेडियम में गृह मंत्रालय, भारत सरकार के तत्वाधान में केंद्रीय रिज़र्व पुलिस बल मध्य क्षेत्र द्वारा आयोजित योगभ्यास कार्यक्रम में ब्रह्मकुमारीज लखनऊ के भी भाई बहन CRPF तथा भारत सरकार के गृह मंत्री श्री राजनाथ सिंह जी के बुलावे पर उपस्थित रहे | संस्था के शहर भर में विगत वर्षों से योग प्रशिक्षण की सेवाओ की सराहना गृह मंत्री श्री राजनाथ सिंह जी ने संस्था की लखनऊ गोमतीनगर प्रभारी ब्रह्माकुमारी राधा बहन का सम्मान किया | इस अवसर पर शहर भर की आम जनता समेत करीब 15,000 लोग शामिल रहे |

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