Home Magazines Sister BK Shivani’s Programme at Chennai 13thDec,14

Sister BK Shivani’s Programme at Chennai 13thDec,14

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Brahma Kumari Sister SHIVANI ji,  gave a deep insight on the following topics in 3 programmes 

13th Dec 2014 @ 7 am –   “ HAPPINESS UNLIMITED”

Inaugural session of the programme by Lighting Kuthuvillaku in presence of B.K.Beena, B.K.Shivani, B.K.Kalavathi, Mr.Suresh Oberoi, Mr.Sanjay Bhandari & Mrs.Bhandari. The Session Begins with Meditation followed by talk of Shivani Behn.

Later Sharing Experience by Mr. Suresh Oberoi. 

13th Dec 2014  @ 6 pm –   “ HEALING RELATIONSHIPS”

Welcome by Mitraa Foundation – Smt.Anita Ramachandran & Session Begins with Meditation followed by talk of Shivani Behn.

Sharing Experience by Mr.Suresh Oberoi.

14th Dec 2014  @ 6 pm –   “ BALANCE SHEET OF LIFE”

Welcome by Dr.S.Thiruvanandan & Session Begins with Meditation followed by talk of Shivani Behn. Sharing Experience by Mr.Suresh Oberoi.

These Series of lectures held at Anna Auditorium, and in Every session the auditorium was filled with more than 1500 participants.
All the above 3 program got a good applause from the audience and thus this program a grand success.
Shivani Behn also enlightened more than 2000 souls of BK family with Baba’s Gyan on 14th Sunday morning.