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Second International Yoga Day celebration co-organized by Consulate General of India and Brahma Kumaris in Guangzhou, China on 21st June 2016

Wonderful Drama! This year the Consulate General of India in Guangzhou asked the Brahma Kumaris to be the co-organizers with the Indian Embassy to celebrate the Second International Day of Yoga. It was a 4 hours program in which about 400 souls took the benefit.

Other Hatha yoga teachers from Yoga Sutra College were also invited and they had a presentation of one hour, but this time Brahma Kumaris were given two hours to explain the new perspective of Yoga, i​.​e​.​ Rajyoga. So we got a very good chance to present Baba’s knowledge and its uniqueness through videos, silent meditations and conducting guided meditations and some moving meditation.

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The International Day of Yoga was celebrated in Toronto, Canada on June 18, 2016 in the Cities of Mississauga and Brampton, in the Greater Toronto Area.
The Mississauga Yoga Day celebration in Mississauga was in collaboration with the Mississauga Waterfront Festival. The Chairperson, Ajit Khanna, Committee Members Anu Srivastava of Panorama and Dr. Bhalla provided a platform for the Brahma Kumaris to make a presentation on Meditation. A 25 minute presentation was prepared that comprised of an introduction to the Brahma Kumaris, a message for the celebration, introduction to meditation, meditation commentary and the Om Shanti song. A group of 13 Yogis conducted meditation on the stage and the audience were very attentive and truly had an experience of peace and felt relaxed. We also had a Booth and many souls came to get more information and register for the meditation course. The Wheel of Virtues was a huge attraction.
The Special Guests included the Indian Consul General of Toronto, Hon. Mr. Dinesh Bhatia and the Mayor of Mississauga, Hon. Miss Bonnie Crombie. The Consul General was very happy to meet us and very interested to remain in touch and visit the Centre. Mayor Bonnie Crombie came to the booth and spun the wheel of virtues and expressed her appreciation of the work that we are doing.
The Brampton celebration was at the Brampton Soccer Centre. It was a whole day event and hundreds of souls came throughout the day. Mr. Fateh and Anju Malhotra of the Art of Living Centre organized this Program. Our presentation was in the same format as our Mississauga presentation. This too was a great success and many souls came forward to thank us for enabling them to have an experience of meditation. The Mayor of Brampton, Hon. Linda Jeffrey and two members of Parliament, Hon. Sonia Sidhu and Hon. Ruby Sahota were in attendance. The Mayor actually registered for the Meditation course. All three of them visited our booth. It was a great opportunity to meet them for the first time since the last elections and introduce ourselves.

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H.E. Prof. Kaptan Singh Solanki (Governor, Punjab and Haryana and Administrator of Chandigarh), H.E. Sh. Narender Modi, Prime Minister of India, Sister B.K. Shivani

H.E. Prof. Kaptan Singh Solanki (Governor, Punjab and Haryana and Administrator of Chandigarh), Mrs. Kiron Kher (Member Parliament, Chandigarh), H.E. Sh. Narender Modi, Prime Minister of India, Sister B.K. Shivani, H.E. Sh. Parkash Singh Badal, Chief Minister, Punjab

H.E. Sh. Narender Modi, Prime Minister of India, Sister B.K. Shivani, Mrs. Kiron Kher (Member Parliament, Chandigarh), H.E. Sh. Parkash Singh Badal, Chief Minister, Punjab


​BK Sister Janaki giving the book “Companion of God” by Dadi Jankiji to the current Ambassador of India to Indonesia H E. Mrs Nengcha Lhouvum Mukhopadhaya during International Yoga Day 2016 in Denpasar, Bali which was celebrated on 19/06/2016.

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योग से प्रवाहित होगी -सुख शांति की सरिता

प्रजापिता ब्रह्मा कुमारी ईश्वरीय विश्व विधालय -शाखा टोंक दुआरा अंतेराष्ट्रीय योग दिवस जिला काराग्रह मे मनाया  गया  इस अवसर पर  सोभागमल भाई और बी.के.प्रह्लाद  दुआरा कैदियों को सरल शारीरिक क्रिया आसन ,प्राणायाम ,को मनोयोग के साथ कराया Ί

बी.के. रानी बहन ने बताया की शारीरिक क्रियाओ के साथ राजयोग को जोड़ दे तो इससे न केवल हमारा शारीरिक विकास होगा बल्कि मानसिक एवंम बोद्धिक विकास भी होगा जिसका अभ्यास कर मानव असीम शांति ,आनन्द, सुख और आत्मिक प्यार की अनुभूति कर मन को अपने वश मे करता है Ί

यह ऐसा योग है जिसके माध्यम से हम सुख शांति की सरिता प्रवाहित कर वसुदेव कुटुम्बकम की भावना को और योग के वास्तविक स्वरुप को चरीतार्थ कर पाएंगे

इस अवसर पर बी.के.कृष्णा ने राजयोग का अभ्यास और अनुभूति करायी और बताया की राजयोग के माध्यम से पाप कर्मो से छुटकारा और पुण्य का खता बढाया जा सकता है Ί  जिला काराग्रह अधीक्षक ने सबको शुभ भावनाए – शुभ कामनाये दी . लगभग २५० कैदियों ने योग अभ्यास किया Ί