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जम्मू कश्मीर में आई बाढ में हुई तबाही से देश का हर मानविय हृदय द्रवित है तथा विपदा की इस घडी में हर नागरिक बिना किसी कडवाहत के पीडित की मदद के लिए तत्पर है। आज प्रजापिता ब्रह्माकुमारी के फगवाडा  सेवा केंदर द्वारा ब्रह्माकुमारी बहन सुमन जी की अगवाई व निदेशन में भाई व बहनों ने राहत सामग्री में अपना योगदान देते हुए अपनी तरफ से गरम कम्बल ,गरम कपडे व अन्य सामग्री पर्दान की। यह सामग्री केंदर द्वारा RED CROSS सोसायटी को दी गई। इस मोके पर बहन बी.के सुमन जी ने कहा कि मानवता की सेवा के लिए जुड़े हाथो की शक्ति व भावना का स्वय भगवान भी सम्मान करता है। जो ऐसे पीडितो की मदत करता है,परम पिता परमेशवर खुद उस प्राणी की मदद करता है तथा अपना सनेह भरा आशीर्वाद उसके सिर पर रखता है। केंदर ने इस आपदा में मारे गए लोगो की आत्मिक शांति के लिए प्राथना भी की।

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Karma is work or energy going out in the form of 1. Thought, 2. Word and  3. Action. Resultant return of energy is in the same amount known as Bhagya (Destiny). The role of God is to ask you to do Karma and to help you to do RIGHT karma. Then whatever good/bad karma you do, the result is accordingly and entirely your responsibility. Because, the result is Destiny (Bhagya). So don’t blame anyone else or God / Devi-Devatas for anything bad. Do not try to blame anybody for your own deed & its result.

Besides Sr. Shivani, the stage was graced by BK Suresh Oberoi, a multi-awarded Indian Actor , B.K Harilal bhanushali,( Godllywood studio , Executive director), Rajyogini Godavari Didiji, Incharge Mulund Sub-Zone and Dr. Principal- Rajkumar Kolhe.


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On 17th August, Morning Chief Guest Hon’ble Mr. Nilkanthae Upreti Chief Election Commissioner visited the Brahma Kumaris Center in Kathmandu and participated in the celebrations with Rajyogi BK Mruthyunjaya, Justice V. Eshwaraih, Chairperson National Commission of Backward Class, New Delhi and Rajyogini Raj Didi, Director Brahma Kumaris, Nepal while in the afternoon His Excellency Mr. Ranjit Rae, Ambassador of India in Nepal visited the Kathmandu Center with Ex. Minister Mr. Lekhraj Bhatta, Hon’ble Balbir Chaudhari Member of Constitutional Assembly, Hon’ble Ms Sita Pokhral Member of Constitutional Assembly, Mr. Sarada Prasad Trilat, Secretary of President Office and other Ex. Secretaries. On 18th August, Rajyogi BK Mruthyunjaya, Rajyogini BK Raj Bhen and other BK brothers and sisters met with the President of Nepal, His Excellency Dr. Ram Baran Yadav and Vice President of Nepal, His Excellency Mr. Parmanand Jha along with Mr. Lalit Bhadur Basnet – Principal Personal Secretary of His Excellency President, Nepal and invited him for the November International Conference in India. On 20th August, Chief Guest Hon’ble Mr. Mahesh Acharya – Minister of Forest and Soil Conservation visited Kathmandu Center to inaugurate the Global initiative of Brahma Kumaris-‘7 Billion Acts of Goodness’. BK Mruthyunjaya, Rajyogini BK Raj Bhen and other BK brothers and sisters also met with Hon’ble Mrs. Chitra Lekha Yadav – Education Minister Govt. of Nepal and gave her Godly gifts.

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Bhubaneswar :-Left to Right: Dr.H.S Singh Head, Central Horticultural Experiment Station,

Dr.B.Singh,Regional Director National Horticultural Board, B.K.Geeta,Centre in charge Unit-9,OM NIWAS and

B.K. Prakash on the Stage .


Program Date: 26 . 8. 2014

Program Vanue: Central Auditorium Central Horticultural Experiment Station, Bhubaneswar

Chief Guest: Dr.B.Singh, Regional Director National Horticultural Board,Bhubaneswar

Chief Speaker: B.K.Geeta Centre in Charge Unit-9,Bhubaneswar and B.K. Prakash

Hon’ ble Guest: Dr.H.S.Singh,Head, Central Horticultural Experiment Station

Special Activities: Exercise and Form Fill up of 7BILLION ACTS OF GOODNESS

Total Participent : 50 Numbers