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The government here has been taking care of the basic relief measures after the cyclone to provide the essential commodities to the people in the city. As observed, one of the prominent after-effects of the cyclone in the city is water pollution which is increasing day after day leading to an increase in the number of water-borne diseases. Taking this into consideration, Baba’s children here, with the support of Greater Visakhapatnam Municipal Corporation are carrying out relief activities to promote awareness on the hygiene to be maintained and the precautions to be taken to avoid contagious diseases like conjuctivits.

We have adopted a few areas near the centre and are going from door to door spreading the message of hygiene by distributing pamphlets. We are giving chlorine tablets for purification of the water at homes. Bleaching powder and other disinfectants are being poured near the garbage bins. Also, we are trying to convince the members of the localities not to fire crackers on this Diwali by explaining them the harmful consequences of lighting fire at this time when there is a lot of dry wood lying all around.

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