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Bro. Ken O’ Donnell from Brazil was the key speaker for two qualitative programmes which were organised at Prabhu Upvan, Borivali, Mumbai on 17th March 2015. Top leaders and Professionals from various walks of life gained insights and experiences from the profound thoughts as presented by Bro. Ken.

The programme in the morning was on the theme The Spirit of the Leader wherein approximately 225 guests participated.
The evening programme revolved around the theme Breaking our own Limits, and more than 325 professionals participated in this event.
Some of the dignitaries present were Jagdish Parekh, Director General, Indo Brazil Chamber of Commerce; Deena Mehta, first woman president of Bombay Stock Exchange, Shankar Gupta, Executive Director, ACG PAM Pharma; Sharad Kumar, Dean and Professor, Sharaf College of Management, Dr. Narendra Kumar, eminent cardiologist and many other senior leaders.

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ब्रह्माकुमारिज, करनाल सेक्टर 7 की ओर से अलविदा डायबिटीज शिविर का आयोजन किया गया . दो दिवसीय इस शिविर में करनाल निवासी सैंकड़ों भाई बहनो ने डायबिटीज से मुक्त होने के गुर सीखे . प्रथम दिवस उदघाटन दिवस पर मुख्य अतिथि के रूप में भ्राता अमरेंदर सिंह ( O.S.D मुख्यमंत्री हरियाणा ) ने शिरकत की तथा कार्यक्रम की अध्यक्षता I.M.A PRESIDENT भ्राता डॉक्टर अरविन्द कुमार ने की .

इस अवसर पर मुख्या वक्ता के रूप में माउंट आबू ग्लोबल अस्पताल से आए डॉक्टर श्रीमंत कुमार साहू ने कहा की यह बीमारी एक आतंकवादी की तरह है जो कभी भी मनुष्य के जीवन को खतरे में डाल सकती है , जिसका मुख्य कारण हमारी जीवन शैली और खान पान में लापरवाही है, इस बीमारी के निदान के लिए प्रतिदिन तेज सैर करनी चाहिए, जूस की बजाय फलों का सेवन करना चाहिए , डायबिटीज होने पर नियमित रूप से अपने शुगर की जांच करनी चाहिए , रोगी को खान पान के साथ साथ मोटापा करने वाले पदार्थों से बचना चाहिए . साथ ही खुश रहते हुए तनाव से भी बचना चाहिए . परन्तु तनाव से भी तब बच सकेंगे , जब सभी आध्यात्मिकता से जुड़ेंगे .

कार्यक्रम के अंत में करनाल के’ गणमान्य लोगों ने डॉक्टर साहू को सम्मानित किया | nafco चेयरमैन भ्राता SP चौहान , बिजनेसमैन भ्राता ज्ञान सरदाना , सुरेश agarwal, रोटरी के प्रेसिडेन्ट तथा प्रिंसिपल साइंटिस्ट डॉ DD Sharma , DS भारती , भ्राता रामनिवास गुप्ता आदि गणमान्य व्यक्तियों ने शाल पहनाकर व् मोमेन्टो देकर डॉक्टर श्रीमंत साहू को सम्मानित किया |

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International Women Day

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Mohali, March 8: Punjab and Haryana Governor, Kaptan Singh Solanki said here today that media can build and mould public opinion for women empowerment.

Addressing a National Media Seminar on the “Role of Media in Women Empowerment” at the Brahma Kumaris Sukh Shanti Bhawan Phase 7 Mohali, Solanki said that public opinion can remove all vices and is most lethal weapon against all sins prevailing in the society. He said that for development of any nation, it is most pertinent to bring women in the forefront.

He said that our country is not a male dominated nation but a country where women are worshipped. He said that no family would be happy if woman of the house is unhappy.  Let women be the change, let women be the light and let them take charge.  The Governor said that for the emancipation of women in every field, self decision making, economic independence and creating awareness in them about their rights and responsibilities is very important. He said that media is considered as one of the most effective and important tool in this regard. It can work for the development of women and gender equality.

The Governor said that besides media, the state and Central government have always chalked out various programmes to empower women. He said that the Prime Minister, Narender Modi has recently launched twin programmes of “beti bachao, beti padhao” and “sukanya samridhi account” in a bid to encourage and educate girls. He extensively quoted Swami Vivekanand to build his argument for women empowerment.

He lauded the role of journalists in investigative journalism and quipped that earlier it was said that where rays of sun could not reach, poets reached there and now investigative journalists reach at a place where even poets did not reach “jahan na pahunche ravi, wahan pahunche patarkar”.

In his keynote address, Prof. Kamal Dixit, Editor, Mulyanugat Media and Prof and Head Makhanlal Chaturvedi University, Bhopal said that our values have come under a question mark in present times that was perhaps the reason that there was felt the need for a seminar on women empowerment. He said that time had come when media has to take a resolve to uphold values and generate hope.

Ramesh Vinayak, Senior Resident Editor, the Hindustan Times and recipient of Excellence in Reporting Award, in his address said that “media has been playing a pro-active role in women empowerment. However, there is a need to celebrate achievements by women in all spheres, to work for gender equality. It is not just law but media that can foster women empowerment. It is media that can change mindsets”. He said that women have to act as catalysts of change. Emphasizing need for women education, he said that if you educate a man, you educate a man alone, but when you educate a woman, you educate the whole generation.  He said that media cannot lose sight off the fact that it is still urban centric and women living in remote villages are still living a pitiable life. He talked about more women in media and said that not many were holding important positions like those of editors in newspapers and television channels.

Deepak Dhiman, State Head, Dainik Bhaskar for the states of Punjab, Haryana, Himachal and Chandigarh said that media had always come to the help of ordinary people when they need intervention.  He said that upright journalists had always held the fourth estate high in public esteem. He said that Danik Bhaskar had built 1000 toilets for girl students in Rajasthan schools. He said that much before government came out with an imitative concerning education of girls, Dainik Bhaskar had launched “beti padhao” movement in year 2011.

Ms Paramjit Kaur Landra, Chairperson, Punjab State Women Commission, during her address gave full credit to media for reservation of women in civic bodies.  She said time was ripe for similar reservation of 33 per cent for women in State Assemblies and Parliament. She recalled that in many cases like Jesica Lal murder case and Nirbhaya case, media had aroused public opinion.  She also spoke against female foeticide, dowry and other vices in the society.

Rajyogi B.K. Amir Chand, Vice-Chairperson, All India Social Service Wing said that media should try to shun negative news may be once a week to send positive vibes. He appreciated role of media in women empowerment but said that women should not be objectified as a commodity in media. They should, instead be an object of worship.

On this occasion BK Shantanu Hq. Co-ordinator Media Wing, BK Komal Co-Ordinator PM TV News Mt Abu, BK Prem Lata Director Rajyoga Centres Mohali Ropar Circle, Madhukar Dwivedi Consulting Editor Maha Medha Daily( Bhopal),   Dr Uma Sharma Bureau Chief Punjab Kesari (Delhi) also presented their views in the seminar. 51 Dignitaries lighted candles to inaugurate the seminar.

Prominent amongst others who were present on the occasion were SDM Mohali Mr Lakhmir Singh, Commissioner Muncipal Corporation Mr Uma Shankar Gupta, Mr Taranjit Singh CJM, Mr S S Bains SP (Traffic), Mr Harpal Singh SP (Hqs.), Mr Ashish Kapoor SP (City) Lt Genl (Retd.), Mr M S Kandal, Col Jaswant Singh Director Paraplegic Rehab Centre, Mr P J Singh Industrialist, Brig (Retd) Avtar Singh President Senior Citizen Association etc.

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नरवाना (हरियाणा )  —-ओम शांति कॉलोनी में स्वदर्शन भवन में एक दिवशीय तनाव मुक्ति पर कार्यक्रम आयोजीत किया माउंट आबू के ब्रह्माकुमार भगवान भाई ने मुख्य वक्ता के रूप में सम्बोधन किया , जिसमे यूनाइटेड बीमा कंपनी के सीनियर मॅनेजर बीबी गोयल मुख्य अथिति के रूपमें


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