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भारत  तथा नेपाल  में  ८००० से अधिक शिक्षिकाओं ने दादी जी की जीवनी विषय पर प्रकाश डाला तथा ४ लाख से अधिक लोगों ने भाग लिया, जिसका

वर्ल्ड रिकार्ड ऑफ़ इंडिया(World Record of India) में दर्ज हुआ

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Public Function on Women Honor Held

“ Women are Key to Social Transformation”—Mr Krishna Prasad

“ Spirituality Essential to End Evils”—Rajyogini Gita Behn

New Delhi, Nov. 2: A public program on “Restoring Respect & Honor of Women” was organized by the

Brahma Kumaris institution at Thyagraj Stadium here last evening.

The program was a part of institution’s ongoing Project titled “It’s Time to Receive God’s Power for Great

Transformation”. It was addressed by several dignitaries and women leaders in the packed auditorium of the


Nepal’s Ambassador in India, Mr Krishna Prasad Dhakal as Special Guest on the occasion said that women

were the key to any social transformation. They need proper education & inner empowerment to take the

lead in brining change to unhealthy, negative and discriminatory mindset, conditions and culture prevailing in

today’s society, he opined.

Rajyogini Brahma Kumari Gita, the Main Coordinator of the Program giving her blessings, said that the root

causes of crimes, corruption, vices and violence in society were crises of character, identity and cultural

pollution abetted by our subservience to materialism, consumerism and sensuality.

She said that regular practice of spiritual wisdom, raj-yoga meditation, simple and positive lifestyle is highly

essential to end such evils and negative traits afflicting our society.

Mr A K Purwah, CMD of EIL-the sponsoring organization, addressing the function  said that there was an

urgent need for inner-power enhancement and capacity building among people especially in women to enable

them to become agents of social transformation. In this direction, Brahma Kumaris are doing a great service,

he averred.

Mr R Ravindran, Director(HR) of GAIL-another co-sponsor of the program,  as Guest Speaker said that

spiritual teachings and training were greatly needed to empower people from within and to enable them to

excel in personal, professional and social life.

A Panel Discussion on “Restoring Respect & Honor of Women” was also held & addressed by Ms. Pam

Rajput, Head, Center for Women Development, Punjab University; Mr Rakesh Mehta, Chief Electoral

Commission for Delhi & Chandigarh; Dr Avdhesh Sharma, Eminent Psychiatrist and Rajyogini B K Asha,

Director, Brahma Kumaris Retreat Center.

Rajyogini B k Chakradhari, Director, Brahma Kumaris Centers in Russia conducted the guided mass

meditation and enabled the   audience to experience inner peace and power.

Bollywood Actress Ms. Gracy Singh & her cultural troupe enthralled the audience with their dance-drama

‘Shiv Shakti’ theme; Motivational Speaker B K Shivani gave a talk on ‘family values’ and Rajyogi B K Brijmohan,

Chief Spokesman of Brahma Kumaris delineated on institution’s ongoing project “It’s Time to Receive God’s

Power for Great Transformation”.

Diwali, the Festival of Living Lights

Shine Bright and Connect with the Eternal light

25th October 2014 7pm

Global Cooperation House, LONDON

With a full house of approximately 480 people, Sister BK Jaymini opened the evening, noting that this evening was to reinstate the spiritual significance of Diwali. Through dance, skit, candle lighting and enlightening words by Sister BK Jayanti this special event at Global Cooperation House created a powerful atmosphere of light and joy.

Many local dignitaries, including the Mayor of Harrow and the Deputy Mayor of Brent; and old friends from neighbouring Hindu organisations including the Hindu Forum of GB and Brent Hindu Association, as well as a representative from ZTV, were invited onto stage to share their best wishes for Diwali. Each one shared happiness at being together together in this atmosphere of peace and unity.

A narrative was woven into the evening by a returning dialogue between a grandfather and granddaughter on the meaning of Diwali and accompanying skits to highlight the fashions now around Diwali and the spiritual significance underlying these.

Sister BK Jayanti shared special greetings from Dadi Janki and a video message was presented by Dadi, in Mount Abu, who encouraged everyone to have a big, compassionate and true heart at this time, and such love for God that everyone experiences this.

BK Trushar Barot interviewed Sister BK Jayanti and the following points arose:

What is the story of Diwali as you understand it? There are several stories. There is the depiction of the killing of the demons and chasing away negativity allowing light to reenter the world often symbolized by the killing of Raven (dasshera) and then Rama, God, representing truth and goodness creating light in the world again.
We can make this personal to the here and now. Where there is negativity within there is bondage and struggle, yet we can take God’s help, which is so powerful that it can work within me and I can experience love, truth and joy which bring health, wealth and abundance again.
How do I take help from God? Because the prevailing atmosphere in the world is negative it is hard for me to deal with anger, greed, attachment and ego on my own as they will keep coming up again and again….but if I go within and allow the light of the soul to be lit and I connect with the Supreme, then these tendencies will melt within.
How do we do this? Every morning make sure the inner light is shining and throughout the day keep connecting. Forget about looking in the mirror. Take a moment to notice the energy within and feel your thoughts and connect with yourself deeply and let your thoughts become calm and you will meet yourself and then you can open yourself up to the presence of God. In these moments of connecting you can feel God’s love and light reaching you and the batteries are recharged and you are ready for whatever the day is going to bring.It is the light (strength) within that is so significant.
How do we maintain this? Do all the things I need to do remembering that I am the light……we have got so used to thinking we are bodies but it is not who I am…I am the light and the peace within. It is a switch of consciousness. The external form is not me…..I am the light
Diwali is a wonderful reminder that there is always a victory of truth and it is not just a story but a universal truth that ultimately goodness has victory.
The significance of Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth at Diwali, is where there is the invocation of the virtues that Lakshmi represents then there is true wealth. They say that Lakshmi will only be present if the home is clean and sparkling and this is a reminder to keep the heart and inner feelings very clean and share good wishes for all. Then love and generosity will follow.
Won’t people take advantage when we are giving good wishes to everyone? People recognize the power of truth and when they feel the strength and power within you they cannot take advantage……they will give respect and regard…
How does the power of truth lead to success? With truth we are able to build trust and where there isn’t trust disappears. When there is trust there will be cooperation and support. We can see this in the quality of relationships we build around us. The power of truth is Gods power. God is remembered as love. If I make sure that I stay on the path of truth then I am more likely to experience His companionship and love and blessings.
Another aspect of truth is if I am dealing with fear……..it takes me in the direction of falsehood. Fearlessness allows me to follow the path of truth
Truth and love are the two most distinctive qualities remembered as the qualities of God and Diwali is a reminder of the power of love and the victory of love.
There is so much disease and economic struggle, war and family instability…..what impact can we have personally on this all. Why is all of this happening? Whatever is going on inside gets reflected outside. If I have lost touch with my inner peace, joy and purity whatever I say or do will be reflected in my life and this multiplies……to the global level……
We can try and repair all the external things, yet we need to look at the spiritual cause of so much stress in the world. When we take time to realize that the problem is within us and also the solution is within us and we allow the inner light to be ignited and connect with the Divine we begin to come back to our natural state of peace, truth, love and joy and with this experience there is then a difference in the quality of relationships…and the way we do things…..these ideas are now being understood. It is not just a little group here and there but many are understanding this and beginning to say yes this is the direction we need to be going in.
Things happen according to seasons…now it is time for the light and the dawn……the day is about to begin…..
What will that day look like? When love and light are in the world and we are moving in truth, love and peace together…..
How do we connect with this The Divine light? How do you and I connect. If our attention was somewhere else, we wouldn’t connect. The way to connect with The Divine is through our thoughts and feelings…as we turn towards This One we can feel whatever it is that that Being can give to us.
Yoga really means union of the self with the Supreme. It is the union of the heart and soul with the Divine……to connect with the Divine Mind.
How does this happen with someone I cannot see visibly… how do I know it is not my own imagination?
In the awareness that I am the inner being I know that all I am is within this…the light….It is I, not my body that is thinking and feeling. The Supreme Soul connects with us through thoughts and feelings…when we meet someone the recognition is being to being…. so the soul recognizes The Divine and can feel the presence of The Divine. When our thoughts connect and we converse…..it is the heart and soul that connects.
What is He saying to us? He and She, the One Mother and Father is saying come to each one, I am waiting for you and I want you to experience all the treasures I have for you.
This seems a very different image of God that many are familiar with. People get confused with the concept of God. In the awareness of the soul, the form of God is also the form of light, not a physical form. The one with all the masculine and feminine attributes within the same being, all the positive attributes. When I connect with myself I can connect with the Divine and feel all these.
A human being can help to a certain extent but if I can turn to the Divine all the help is available. Whatever the soul needs is available here and now.