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Int’l Conference on Physical Education and Sports Science(ICPESS-2015) at Jaipur

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                                       GLOBAL EXCELLENCE IN FITNESS AND SPORTS SCIENCE

International Conference on Physical Education and Sports Science – ICPESS-2015

A two-day International Conference on Sports Science and Physical Education at JECRC University in Jaipur was inaugurated by Commonwealth Games gold medalist Krishna Punia on 6th January 2015. The conference was jointly hosted by the University and Rajasthan’s Department of Science and Technology. In the conference (06-07 Janaury) over 600 participants connected to various aspects of sports took part including coaches, students and teachers of physical educations at various levels. The international participants include sportspersons and professionals from African and Asian countries.

The theme of the conference was “Global Excellence in Fitness and Sports Science” with an aim to provide a platform to academicians, physical educationists, sports scientists, nutritionists, psychologists, physiotherapists, coaches, yoga experts, policy makers and research scholars to share their rich experiences towards the promotion of physical education and sports to create awareness for healthy and physically active life style.



According to the organizers of the conference, the purpose of the event was to create a physically fit global society; explore new thought processes in the field of Sports and Physical Education; and make the sports persons, scientists,coaches, researchers and students aware about the issues relating to innovation in physical education and sports in a collaborative manner.

There were discussion on various sub themes of the conference such as exercise, aging and sports performance; exercise prescription for fitness; yoga, sports pedagogy and research; hypo-kinetic diseases; psychological interventions and elite sports performance; future trends and challenges in physical education and sports sciences; sports nutrition, sports medicine and sports biomechanics; and use of computer technology and innovation in sports performance, sports marketing and management.

BK. Jagbir Singh of Sports Wing of Brahma Kumaris delivered his keynote speech on ‘Mind Power & Stress Management through Meditation in Sports’ on 7th January 2015 which was chaired Prof. Amina Kaidal, Ph.D. from Nigeria. “For high performance in sports, we all the players should connect with the universal mind (Higher Self) and create a scene of success through visualisation.  This practice will give more self-confidence and help in focusing the mind” BK Jagbir said.