Home News National News Public Function on ‘Women Honour’ Held at Tyagraj Stadium, New Delhi

Public Function on ‘Women Honour’ Held at Tyagraj Stadium, New Delhi

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Public Function on Women Honor Held

“ Women are Key to Social Transformation”—Mr Krishna Prasad

“ Spirituality Essential to End Evils”—Rajyogini Gita Behn

New Delhi, Nov. 2: A public program on “Restoring Respect & Honor of Women” was organized by the

Brahma Kumaris institution at Thyagraj Stadium here last evening.

The program was a part of institution’s ongoing Project titled “It’s Time to Receive God’s Power for Great

Transformation”. It was addressed by several dignitaries and women leaders in the packed auditorium of the


Nepal’s Ambassador in India, Mr Krishna Prasad Dhakal as Special Guest on the occasion said that women

were the key to any social transformation. They need proper education & inner empowerment to take the

lead in brining change to unhealthy, negative and discriminatory mindset, conditions and culture prevailing in

today’s society, he opined.

Rajyogini Brahma Kumari Gita, the Main Coordinator of the Program giving her blessings, said that the root

causes of crimes, corruption, vices and violence in society were crises of character, identity and cultural

pollution abetted by our subservience to materialism, consumerism and sensuality.

She said that regular practice of spiritual wisdom, raj-yoga meditation, simple and positive lifestyle is highly

essential to end such evils and negative traits afflicting our society.

Mr A K Purwah, CMD of EIL-the sponsoring organization, addressing the function  said that there was an

urgent need for inner-power enhancement and capacity building among people especially in women to enable

them to become agents of social transformation. In this direction, Brahma Kumaris are doing a great service,

he averred.

Mr R Ravindran, Director(HR) of GAIL-another co-sponsor of the program,  as Guest Speaker said that

spiritual teachings and training were greatly needed to empower people from within and to enable them to

excel in personal, professional and social life.

A Panel Discussion on “Restoring Respect & Honor of Women” was also held & addressed by Ms. Pam

Rajput, Head, Center for Women Development, Punjab University; Mr Rakesh Mehta, Chief Electoral

Commission for Delhi & Chandigarh; Dr Avdhesh Sharma, Eminent Psychiatrist and Rajyogini B K Asha,

Director, Brahma Kumaris Retreat Center.

Rajyogini B k Chakradhari, Director, Brahma Kumaris Centers in Russia conducted the guided mass

meditation and enabled the   audience to experience inner peace and power.

Bollywood Actress Ms. Gracy Singh & her cultural troupe enthralled the audience with their dance-drama

‘Shiv Shakti’ theme; Motivational Speaker B K Shivani gave a talk on ‘family values’ and Rajyogi B K Brijmohan,

Chief Spokesman of Brahma Kumaris delineated on institution’s ongoing project “It’s Time to Receive God’s

Power for Great Transformation”.