Home Administrators’ Wing

Administrators’ Wing


  • To foster and support moral and ethical behaviour in individuals holding executive and administrative positions in public and private institutions;
  • To enable administrators and executives to lead by example;
  • To provide training in self-management and Rajyoga meditation as means of stress-management, and impart skills that promote value-based, spiritually sound administrative practices.

Views and Perspectives
Administrators are the drive shaft and axles of the government. Without them, the day-to-day operation of the country’s government would cease and the wheels of the nation’s progress would grind to a halt. Today, those wheels are shackled by chains of administrative command and often stuck in the rut of convoluted procedures. Though administrators are often comically portrayed as victims of their own red tape, it is really no laughing matter. Sometimes the wheels of administration are greased with graft and made to move quickly for the benefit of a few; but all too often this means those same wheels crush the rights of many.
Spiritual empowerment can give administrators qualities of mind and character that enable accurate and efficient functioning. Meditation can free them from the tension, irritation and apathy that accompany their bureaucratic bondages. Self-management leadership training can instil in them the humility, integrity and respect for human dignity that are the sources of moral authority.
Such empowerment can also give administrators spiritual self-respect, which is not based on their role or position. They will feel themselves to be stewards of public trust and the taxpayer’s money, and their role as civil servants to be a noble one. Their sense of pride and spirit of service will then give them job satisfaction. Service will be the essence of governance for spiritually-empowered administrators.