Home News National News World Record (Wonder Book of Record) Certificate to Brahma Kumaris: Unique Solar...

World Record (Wonder Book of Record) Certificate to Brahma Kumaris: Unique Solar Plant in Mount Abu

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Brahma Kumaris

A World Record Certificate, that is, a Wonder Book of Record Certificate, for a Unique Solar Power Plant with storage in house development was presented to the Brahma Kumaris at their Head Quarters in Diamond Hall, Shantivan.  The “Wonder Book of Records has started in the year 2010 and were presented to many huge personalities,” stated Gurram Swarna Sree, representative of the Wonder Book of Records. “This is the first big solar system in the world which is being used by the Government and for service. The Brahma Kumaris name is now entered for the Mount Abu International Solar System Wonder Book of Record,” she added.

The biggest Solar Thermal Power Plant certificate was presented to BK Yogini, BK Sharada, BK Bharat and BK Mruthyunjaya. BK Yogini was also honored with a medal by the Wonder Book of Records representatives.