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Ex-Prime minister Bro. Madhav Kumar Nepal, Rajyogini Raj Didi, Directer of Brahma kumaris, Nepal, Ex. Minister and Member of Constitutinal Assembly Bro. Surendra Prasad Chaudhary, Member of Constitutinal Assembly Bro. Bichari Yadav, Member of Constitutinal Assembly Bro. Jay Prakash Tharu, Member of Constitutinal Assembly Bro. Balveer Chaudhary, Member of Constitutinal Assembly Bro. Ram Chandra Sah, Chief District Officer Bro. Hemnath Dawadi, B.K. Rabina and others inaugurating Trimurti Shiva Jayanti Mahotsav Mela-207.

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Bro. Chandrababu Naidu, Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh was the chief guest

 Guests of Honours are:

Bro. Y.S. Chowdary, Central Minister for Sci & Tech

Bro. Arekapudi Gandhi, MLA

Bro. Anjaneyulu, MLA

Bro. Dr. Kaarthikeyan, IPS, former CBI Director

Bro. Justice Eshwaraiah, Chairman, NCBC

Sis. Ranjana, Chairperson, Board of Investigating Frauds in Govt & Banks, Govt of India

The specialty of the programme is that, Bro.Chandra Babu Naidu visited Shanti Sarovar after a long time. As soon as he reached Shanti Sarovar, he visited the whole campus in his vehicle. Sis.Kuldeep and Bro. Kaarthikeyan joined him in his vehicle and explained the details of the campus. He got down at Peace Cottage and visited Babas room. Later, he entered Global Peace Auditorium which is by then house full with over 2200 BKs and Non BKs.

 In the beginning, a nice video presentation depicting the highlights of 10 years service of Shantisarovar was presented. It covered the story from the beginning when Chandra Babu Naidu visited Mt.Abu, offered land, inauguration etc. It was very well received. Later, guests shared their wonderful feedback about the services of Shantisarovar.

There was lighting of lamps, cake cutting on the occasion of completion of 10 years of Shanti Sarovar.

Later Chandrababu naidu gave a heartful, inspired and natural talk for about 25 minutes. He felt extremely happy with the services and commitment of BKs in the positive transformation of people. He was recollecting his visit to Mt.Abu, meeting with Baba, Dadis and seniors; his invitation to BKs to establish Academy at Hyderabad etc. He also felt that his decision was a correct one to offer support to BKs. He also acknowledged his vision of Golden society and BKs contribution in this. He expressed his great compliments to the services of BKs. He was deeply feeling that Shanti Sarovar is not now in Andhra Pradesh. He invited BKs to come to newly separated AP state in a big way and was offering land at 3 places – New capital Vijaywada, Vishakapatnam and Tirupati. He came to Shanti Sarovar only for about 45 min. but on total stayed for over 3 hours. He spent a very good and peaceful moments which he was sharing in his talk and in personal discussion with BKs.


(hindi translated complete speech and photos are attached).


Video link : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IHfTQvwoaos


Chandrababu Naidu is at present one of the powerful leader and administrator of the country and according to analysts’ he has very bright future and has key role in India. His views about BKs are extremely appreciable and noteworthy.


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                                       GLOBAL EXCELLENCE IN FITNESS AND SPORTS SCIENCE

International Conference on Physical Education and Sports Science – ICPESS-2015

A two-day International Conference on Sports Science and Physical Education at JECRC University in Jaipur was inaugurated by Commonwealth Games gold medalist Krishna Punia on 6th January 2015. The conference was jointly hosted by the University and Rajasthan’s Department of Science and Technology. In the conference (06-07 Janaury) over 600 participants connected to various aspects of sports took part including coaches, students and teachers of physical educations at various levels. The international participants include sportspersons and professionals from African and Asian countries.

The theme of the conference was “Global Excellence in Fitness and Sports Science” with an aim to provide a platform to academicians, physical educationists, sports scientists, nutritionists, psychologists, physiotherapists, coaches, yoga experts, policy makers and research scholars to share their rich experiences towards the promotion of physical education and sports to create awareness for healthy and physically active life style.



According to the organizers of the conference, the purpose of the event was to create a physically fit global society; explore new thought processes in the field of Sports and Physical Education; and make the sports persons, scientists,coaches, researchers and students aware about the issues relating to innovation in physical education and sports in a collaborative manner.

There were discussion on various sub themes of the conference such as exercise, aging and sports performance; exercise prescription for fitness; yoga, sports pedagogy and research; hypo-kinetic diseases; psychological interventions and elite sports performance; future trends and challenges in physical education and sports sciences; sports nutrition, sports medicine and sports biomechanics; and use of computer technology and innovation in sports performance, sports marketing and management.

BK. Jagbir Singh of Sports Wing of Brahma Kumaris delivered his keynote speech on ‘Mind Power & Stress Management through Meditation in Sports’ on 7th January 2015 which was chaired Prof. Amina Kaidal, Ph.D. from Nigeria. “For high performance in sports, we all the players should connect with the universal mind (Higher Self) and create a scene of success through visualisation.  This practice will give more self-confidence and help in focusing the mind” BK Jagbir said.

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Spiritual Applications Research Centre (SpARC Wing) – A Research Wing of Rajyoga Education & Reserch Foundation (RERF), Brahma Kumaris

takes active participation, in ‘Indian Science Congress 2015’ inaugurated by Prime Minister Narendra Modi at ‘University of Mumbai’, Kalina

on 3rd January 2015


Mumbai, January 9, 2015: The 102nd ISC 2015 was inaugurated by honorable Prime Minister Narendra Modi at Vidyanagari Campus, Kalina of ‘University of Mumbai’  on 3rd January 2015. Other guests present at the inauguration comprised of ‘Union Minister for Science and Technology’, Dr. Harsh Vardhan, ‘Chief Minister of Maharashtra’ Bro.DevendraPhadnavis, Vice Chancellor-Mumbai University,Bro.RajanWelukar.


Former president ‘APJ Abdul Kalam’ on Sunday,4th January 2014 addressed inaugurated the 22nd Children’s Science Congress,being held on the sidelines of the 102nd Indian Science Congress.


Spiritual Applications Research Centre (SpARC Wing) – A Research Wing of Rajyoga Education & Reserch Foundation (RERF), Brahma Kumaris also participated in this 102nd Indian Science Congress 2015 by establishing ‘Spiritual Science Exhibition’, at Hall No.24, Shankarrao Chauhan Bhawan, consisting 7 electronic modules, demonstrating the concept: “Understanding the secret of the Nature is ‘Science’ ”.&“Understanding the secret of the Self is ‘Spirituality’”.

At the end of the exhibition one understands that ‘Natural science works on 16 principles viz. Uniqueness, Energy, Power, Memory, Nature, etc. similarly Spiritual Science works on the same principles.


Many speakers including 2001 Nobel Prize winner in Medicine ‘Bro. Paul Nurse’ from London also visited our exhibition and remarked that, “It was a different and new concept for him.  He appreciated the exhibition models and emphasized that spiritual values and thought power are essential to create a clean world.”


BK ‘Dr. Binny Sareen’, who is a Spiritual Counselor& PR-Media at Global Hospital and Research Centre (GHRC), Mount Abu also gave her oral presentation of her research paper – “Science of Spirituality” on 4th Jan, 2015.


About 102nd Indian Science Congress 2015

It is the 102nd edition of this congress and Mumbai is hosting it again after the gap of 45 years.The theme of 102nd Congress is‘Science and Technology for Human Development’.

The Congress sessions aims to bring together eminent scientists, research scholars to popularize science and foster a scientific temperament.


More than 18,000 research scholars & research guides, 11 Nobel Laureates, have registered for this conference. Visitors estimated at Vidyanagari campus &‘Pride of India exhibition’ includes more than 1 lakh professionals.16 disciplines such as, New Biology, Green Technology, Chemical Technology, Women Science Congress, Children Science Congress etc. were there.

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Dr. B. K .Binny, PRO of Global Hospital, Mount Abu represented as a speaker and shared the greetings of respected Dadi Janki, Chief of B.K, Brahma Kumaris world wide spiritual services and Global Hospital’s human and health services for children and women. It is matter of pride and privilege  that spiritual and religious leaders of the world are gathered on very important subject of water sanitation and health of children and women. The Brahma kumaris is playing leading role for spiritual upliftment of women and other professions of society.  Global hospital and research center’s health care service are providing health care services for women and children in villages and other needy areas of the society.

In this event History is being created  on the banks of the Ganges through the joint effort, experience, and expertise of renowned leaders of all faiths from across India as well as from the US, England, Europe, Australia and Africa, leaders of social organizations, NGOs, political leaders and celebrities.

Co-founder of the Global Interfaith WASH Alliance (GIWA) and President of Parmarth Niketan, Pujya Swami Chidanand Saraswatiji; Mr. Harish Rawat ji, Chief Minister of Uttarakhand; ​.Dr.  Kalbe Sadiq Sahib, world renowned Islamic scholar and leader; ​Maulana Luqman Tarapuri, Regional President of Global Imam Council;  ​Dr. Abdul Malik Mujahid, Chairman of the Parliament of World Religions, Chicago; Imam Umar Ilyasi, President of All India Imam Organisation; ​Dr. Kiran Bali, Global Chair of United Religions Initiative USA; ​Dr Deepika Singh, Director of Programmes, Religions for Peace; Louis George Arsenault, UNICEF Representative to India; Archbishop Thabo Makgoba of Cape Town, South Africa; Sadhvi Bhagawati Saraswati, Secretary General of GIWA; Prof. Manjit Singhji, former Chief Jathedar, Akal Takht.

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नारी सम्मान से ही समाज स्वस्थ और समृद्ध होगा ” —श्रीमती कुमार मंगलम

 “नारी ही स्वर्ग का द्वार है ” —शंकराचार्य ओम्कारानन्द

“स्व परिवर्तन के दृढ़ संकल्प से ही  महापरिवर्तन होगी” —बी के शिवानी

नयी दिल्ली, २८ दिसंबर – प्रजापिता ब्रह्माकुमारी ईश्वरीय विश्व विद्यालय द्वारा दिल्ली तथा इसके आस पास के क्षेत्र में आयोजित “परमात्म शक्ति द्वारा महापरिवर्तन का समय अब” विषय  पर विशाल कार्यक्रम की श्रृंख्ला कल शाम को स्थानीय पश्चिम विहार रैडिसन ब्लू ड्डए मैदान में एक भव्य सार्वजानिक प्रोग्राम से  संपन्न हुआ I

संस्था द्वारा वर्ष के इस अंतिम प्रोग्राम में “नारी सम्मान एवं प्रतिष्ठा की पुनः स्थापना”  विषय  पर मुख्ये अतिथि के रूप में राष्ट्रीय महिला आयोग के अध्यक्षIश्रीमती कुमारमंगलम 

ने कहा की परिवार सेलेकर समाज के हर स्तर  में नारी वर्ग को आदर सम्मान एबंसमान अधिकार देने से ही परिवार और समाज स्वस्थ और समृद्ध होगा I उन्होंने कहा की सिर्फ पोशाक परिवर्तन से महिलाओं के साथ होरही हिंसा, अपरIध समाप्त नहीं होगा अपितु आवश्यक है नैतिक और आध्यात्मिक गुणों से व्यक्ति के दृष्टिकोण , वृति, व्यवहार,एवं संस्कार परिवर्तन की I इस दिशा में स्त्री और पुरुष दोनों एक दूसरे केसहयोगी बनें और देश के विकास के लिए महिलाओं को आगे आना होगा जिसके लिए उनका नैतिक व  आध्यात्मिक  शशक्तिकरण ज़रूरी है I

इस अवसर पर विशेष अतिथी के रूप में  बोलते हुए   श्रीमद प्रयाग पीठ के  प्रमुख, जगद्गुरु शंकरचर्य ओम्कारानन्द जी नें कहा की  जाया और जननी के रूप में नारी ही मनुष्य जाती की रचयिता है I भारतीय सनातन धर्म संस्कृति का उल्लेख करते हुए उन्होंने कहा की निराकार शिव परमात्मा द्वारा सतयुगी सृष्टि की रचना के कार्ये की अग्रदूत नारी ही स्वर्ग का द्वार है I भारतीय सनातन धर्मसंस्कृति का उल्लेख करते हुए उन्होंने कहा निराकार शिव परमात्मा द्वारा सतयुगी सृष्टि की रचना के कार्ये की अग्रदूत नारी ही स्वर्ग का द्वार है उन्होंने कहा की नारी नेतृत्व में विश्व बंधुत्व एव वसुधैवकुटुम्बकम के आध्यात्मिक ज्ञान एव व्यवहारिक प्रक्रिया को पूरे जगत में प्रच्चरित और प्रसारित कर रही ब्रह्मा कुमारी संस्था की उंच नैतिक शिक्षा और राजयोगा ध्यान से न केवल समाज में व्यापकबुराइयां और पापाचार समाप्त होगा, अपितु सतयुगी सुख शांति पूर्ण दुनिया स्थापित होगी I

लोकप्रिय आध्यात्मिक वक्तI ब्रह्मा कुमारी शिवानी ने उपस्थित लोगों से नए वर्ष  में  जीवन को सुखमय जीवन के लिए क्रोध न करना, क्ष्यमा करना, अतीत की दुखदायी बातों  को भूलकर दूसरों के प्रतिमधुर बोल और व्यवहार से सुख देने की आदत बनानी होगी I उन्होंने कहा, ऐसे सकारात्मक स्व परिवर्तन को सहज बनाने के लिए आत्मिक दृष्टि-वृति एबं दिव्यता के स्रोत परमात्मा से कर्म करते हुएस्मृति संपन्न रहने की आवश्यकता है I इसकी नियमित दृढ़ता पूर्वक पालन ही व्यक्ति और समाज में सुख शांति, सदभावना की सतयुगी वातावरण निर्माण करेगी I

राष्ट्रीय पिछड़ा वर्ग अध्यक्ष स्टिस वि ईश्वरीयI ने कहा की समाज में आज सर्वांगिण विकास की आवश्यकता है जिसके लिए हर क्षेत्र और स्तर पर नैतिक चरित्र निर्माण ज़रूरी है जो की ब्रहमाकुमारी जैसी संस्थाओं के द्वारा ही किया जा सकता है I ब्रह्माकुमारी संस्था की वरिष्ठ निर्देशिका राजयोगिनी बी के आशा ने कहा की आज के देह अभिमानी संस्कार एव भोगवादी संस्कृति ही महिला  उत्पीड़नका मूल कारन है I उन्होंने लोगों में खासकर   युवा वर्ग में  नैतिक और आध्यात्मिक संस्कार डालने तथा नारी केंद्रित अश्लील विज्ञापनों को समाप्त करने की दिशा में दिल्ली से लेकर सारे देश में एक जानआंदोलन का आवाहन किया I

नेशनल लॉ उनिवर्सिटी के वाईस चांसलर, प्रोफ रणबीर सिंह ने कहा की बिलुप्त होते जा रहे भारतीय मूल्य एवंं संस्कृति की रोकथाम केलिए आध्यात्मिक शिक्ष्या को सभी क्षेत्र में लागु करना होगा ब्रह्मा कुमारी संस्था के मुख्य प्रवक्ता राजयोगी बी क बृजमोहन ने कहा की ईश्वरीय ज्ञान एबं राजयोग के अभ्यास से ही परमात्मा शक्ति प्राप्त कर स्त्री शक्ति समाज में सकारात्मक परिवर्तन ला सकती हे जिन नारियों का गायन पूजन शिव शक्ति देवियों के रूप में आज तक भी किया जा रहा है I

कार्यक्रम की मुख्य संयोजिका राजयोगिनी ब्रह्मा कुमारी शुक्लI ने कहा की आत्मा अभिमानी स्थिति, सद्गुणों की धारणा, सदा जीवन, श्रेष्ठ विचार और व्यबहार के आधार पर ही श्रेष्ठ जीवन और समाज बनाया  जा सकता हे I मुंबई से पधारे लाइफ कोच इ बी गिरीश ने परमात्मा की स्मृति से मनुस्य में विद्यमान आतंरिक गुण और शक्तिओं को विकसित करने की बात कही तथा स्थानीय पब्लिक स्कूलों  के  बच्चों द्वारा चित्ताकर्षक मूल्यनिष्ठ सांस्कृतिक नृत्यनाटिका द्वारा कार्यक्रम संपन्न  हुआ I

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Distinguished Guests Dr Sarvamangala Shankar, Vice-Chancellor of Dr Gangubai Hanagal University for Music & Performing Arts, Mysore.

Krishna Gowda, Professor St Philamenas College and well known Humorist, Mysore,  M A Wali Sab Chairman, Anmol group of Companies, Hospet were invited for the Public Programme on 7th Dec at Gyansarovar.
Later on Famous Honoured Distinguished Artist  K.C. Shivappa well known writer  Mysore, Dr Padma Murthy Famous Vocalist in Karnataka Shastreeya Sangeet Mysore, Dr Vasundhara Doreswamy Internationally acclaimed Bharatanatyam Dancer Mysore, Dr C. Basavalingaiah Famous Stage Artist & Director National  School of Drama Bengalaru, Dr P.K. Rajashekhar well known Folkare Expect Mysore, Honavalli Krishna well known Cine & TV Serial Artist Bengaluru  & Kumari M.N Gowri  Sand Artist were Facilitated at the public programme.